Hello! I'm Toyosi
I help moms create wholesome care experiences.
As a little girl, I loved playing dress up and creating make-believe stories. Oftentimes, I'd put up whimsical enactments to entertain family and close friends, those shared memories I'll forever cherish. I was shy, introverted - I still am, mostly :), and known as a dreamer. In school, I excelled in all my classes, but mathematics was my favorite. I now understand why, mathematics is both a creative form of art and a language to express logic in a simple way. A polymath's dream!
So, this led me down a career in technology for over fifteen years. In a male-dominated industry, I had nothing to prove other than the fact that I enjoyed the thrill of solving complex problems, storytelling, and my stilettos. For the joys and complexities of motherhood though, nothing or no one could have ever prepared me enough. The love I have for my daugther is overwhelming yet priceless.
But! As a single mom, I found myself struggling to ‘do it all’. Soon enough, I experienced burnout.
After I lost my job, I caught myself nostalgically daydreaming of my childhood. My fondest memories growing up in my home country, Nigeria, were those spent in shared community experiences, laughing, learning, and caring for one another like kindred souls. Sadly, in our fast-paced, efficiency-driven world, this is amiss.
Thankfully, this story has a happy ending – and yours can too. After spending countless hours observing and contrasting care experiences across the world, I finally found a solution that intricately weaves technology with grounded wisdom from traditional cultures.
My tools and resources offer creative and practical frameworks that consider your values, priorities and lifestyle. Since 2018, I’ve been guiding parents just like you on their journeys to achieving work-life harmony. You deserve to enjoy a wholesome and fulfilling life, and I encourage you to take the first step.
You are never alone in our village. Let’s do this together!
If you're feeling isolated, overwhelmed or exhausted, I've been there too. Let me guide you step-by-step through creative and practical everyday ways to make room for self-care so that you can achieve work-life harmony. Take the Mom Archetype Quiz to get started.
As a stay-home mom, you may be missing earning opportunities, but you want to make money on your own terms.
As a mom who works from or out of home full time, you may be strapped for time or resources needed to find trusted child care.
As a new mom or a mom new to an area, you may not know how to find like-minded people that you can trust for support.